Thursday 24 March 2016

Happy Holi!!!!

We began the week by reflecting on the trip to Wada.

The last week we have been busy honing our skills at being puppeteers. We paired up with our buddy and we tried different voice modulations and different expressions.

Through the week we learnt how to make sock puppets. We saw a video that showed us how sock puppets can be moved to help enhance the character.

Inspired from the video we got set to make our own sock puppets.

Once our puppets were ready we divided ourselves into groups. Using the puppets we created as characters in our story we came up with a plot around them.

Converted our story into play scripts.........

Practiced our performances


In Math, we have been comparing fractions. We learnt fraction on number lines too.

In our Language assembly this week, we shared what we have been learning in our French, Spanish and Hindi lessons. Kudos to Ms. Shruti, Ms. Maya and Ms. Patricia our second language teachers!

As a transdisciplinary integration, in our Hindi class we learnt all about Kathputli's. We enjoyed sharing that with our PYP friends.

The week ended with a lovely Holi celebration with our friends and teachers. Thank you Ms. Jessica and Grade 1 for inviting us to this lovely celebration as part of their unit on Celebrations.


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